In case of emergency, it is possible that someone needs to reach a contact person in order to inform them about the situation. We think it is important that in case of emergency we can help you as good as possible. Therefore, fill in the details of the contact person below!
Enter below until when you study and at what institution. In order to enroll you need to be a student at the 1st of September.
At the regular registration: we currently have a limited amount of spaces for students of other institutions than the HU/UU or the UCU. Keep in mind that there thus might be no place for you at Van Slag due to this, which means you will be put on the waiting list automatically.
You are allowed to be a member of Van Slag for 1 more year.
You are allowed to be a member of Van Slag for 2 more years.
You are allowed to be a member of Van Slag for 1 more year.
Sadly it is not possible for graduated students to register for Van Slag.
Sadly it is not possible for people in a gap year to register for Van Slag. Were you already a member?
Sadly it is not possible for non-students to register for Van Slag.
A lot of students travel abroad for an internships or to followcourses. It can also be that you are planning to travel abroad. To fill the gaps in the teams, we will ask you below to inform us if you are planning to travel abroad for a long period.
Do you have a favorite position? Or did you train for a certain position? Or don't you actually know what positions are? Mark below which positions you master.
Every activity of Van Slag such as parties, recreationary weekends, the winter sports trip and the outside tourney Van Gras are only possible because members voluntarily help the association. On the site you can find a Dutch description of every commission.
Van Slag currently knows the following commissions: introduction committee (IntroCie), activities committee (AcCie), party committee (FeCo), weekend commission (WeekendCie), hitchhike commission (LiftCie), tourney commission (ToCo), legal commission (JuCie), yearbook commission (RedaCie), first year members committee (SjaarsCie), outside tourney committee (Van GrasCie), alumni committee (AlumniCie), trainers commitee (TrainCie), beach committee (BeachCie), technical committee (TC), advisory board (RvA), IT committee (FixCie), legal committee (JuCie) and the vault committee (KasCo).
Committees 2022/2023
It is important to note that not all committees will be formed in the upcoming year as the board has the liberty to choose which activities will be planned and which committees therefore have to be started up. These activities can also be novel. Thus, if you see multiple committees that you like, we would love it if you fill them all in. The activities coördinator will form the committees at the beginning of the year based on everyone's preferences and get in touch with you if necessary. If you have any questions or remarks about Van Slag's committees in the meantime, feel free to reach out by writing an email to
The Olympas needs to be bought at the moment you are definitely accepted to Van Slag. The contribution will only be deducted if you are officially a member of Van Slag.